Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Summit

WOW! I seriously cannot believe that today it has officially been ten years since I joined this infamous department! I have finally reached the summit and can now start my journey on the downward slope…ten complete, ten to go!

I mean it feels like it was just yesterday when I walked into Police Headquarters and signed my life away…I mean made this commitment to this career. Many papers to fill out and sign; then sent to get my photo taken for my ‘official’ trainee id card. This is when I was introduced to a fellow classmate of mine who left a lasting impression on me (when I silently prayed please dear God don’t let them all be like Country – lol). If nothing else he cracked me up for the rest of the day with his lack of knowledge of inner city living and absolutely no street sense, he also had me seriously pondering if he had any common sense, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt at the time).

Photos were taken, ID cards issued (OMG… how young I looked), off to the QM was I was issued so much sh*t, which they carefully threw into a large black yard trash bag that I got to lug around for the rest of this process.

Next step off to City Hall to be sworn in, I didn’t know what I had agreed to there, there was so much chaos in the office and the woman reading whatever it was that she was reading to us was not the most literate person and whom seemed incapable of how to enunciate any of her words, but we both agreed and signed some more papers. When we left City Hall, Country asked me if we just got married, secretly I was wondering the same thing and praying for an immediate annulment. (besides at the time I was already promised to one man – boy that was a long time ago)

Next we were off to be measured for our dress blues…boy he was a trip, he really showed his street skills on this trip. Finished there, off to be fitted for our vests! And my first encounter with…dun, dun, dun, SAM! Boy, if he doesn’t swindle every police trainee that step foot in his store! That first measuring was one that I still speak of today! He measured Country first, finished him pretty rapidly then it was my turn. He took one measurement, marked the numbers down, then he handed me one end of the measuring tape. I was confused and I went to hand it back to him. No, no…he said, take that end and place it on your ‘point’. [to myself] Hmm…totally lost, WTF is he talking about, he didn’t do this when he was measuring Country, sh*t did I miss something; he must think I am just a stupid girl who doesn’t know how to follow directions., I paid attention the entire time he measured Country, he never once handed the tape off to him and told him to put one end on his point. What freaking “point”, I don’t get it??? Seriously, what are you talking about? [Aloud] Umm, my point? Yea, your point. Please place that end of the tape on your point. Yea, umm, what point? You know [motioning towards my breast] your POINT! OH…my “point”! [want to curl into little ball and hide as I feel the blood rushing to my neck and face] Country is now very interested in what is going on as I silently place the end of the measuring tape that was handed to me on my left nipple; you know my ‘point’. He takes a new measurement. Then ask me to go “point to point” – oh, holy hell ya’ll are just getting a kick out this now making me stand here holding a tape measure going from one nipple to the next. I mean if this are real measurements shouldn’t you be doing them, you have my permission I want this thing to fit me correctly. You know it is a very crucial piece of equipment that could potentially save my life one day! A few additional measurements were taken and then I silently walked out of the shop with my first true experience of the male dominated profession I was about to enter, but I was ready for it and them.

I just wasn’t sure if it was going to be ready for me!

Here is to the next ten years!

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